INVITING prospects

Inviting is the gateway skill, the ability to get people to take a look at a business and educate them about it. Initially, I had a preconception that people would be interested in network marketing, but this was wrong. The profession has been overrated, making it sound too good to be true.

Here are the best four ways to invite 1. The best way is to invite prospects to meet and show product or opportunity, sample their product. This approach allowed to build trust and respect with the prospect 2. Introduce the prospect to a third party (eg. your upline) This allows the prospect to trust the information. Become the connection between the prospect and the third party, introducing them to the prospect and having their questions answered. By introducing prospects to trusted third parties and fostering a respectful relationship, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in their business ventures. Utilizing your upline leads to far greater success than working on your own.

3. Invite prospects to regional events hosting the top leaders in the field. Large company events, including large international presentations, are the most effective. These events capture prospects' imaginations, provide social proof of success, and build relationships. The winner is determined by the number of attendees invited. However, they can be difficult to invite and may not attract as many people as they should. When inviting and presenting, it is essential to step out of the information game and focus on telling stories. 4. Share rethe company’s prerecorded video presentation. This allows you to invite people to watch the video without waiting for a meeting or event to happen. The evolution of communication has evolved significantly. With the advent of various tools and platforms like podcasts, social media, online (Zoom) meetings, product brochures, online (YouTube) videos, training sessions, phone calls, and online (Facebook) groups. These tools allow for bette results and respect from prospects, as they are far more likely to listen to facts rather than your opinion. By focusing on presenting effectively and becoming a tool for your team, you can create a more effective and successful communication environment.

The goal should be education and understanding, not the feeling of rejection or uncomfortability.

Basic rules for inviting

  1. Be emotionally detached from the outcome, as the only outcome that matters is education

  1. Be yourself, even if you're introverted. Be the best version of yourself and use words that resonate with your audience.

  1. Bring passion, even if you're introverted.

  1. Approach with urgency, as people are attracted to people who are in motion

  1. Have strong posture, whether it's through music or videos

  1. Listen to music that get you pumped up and to watch Rise after entrepreneur to get their posture right about network marketing.

  1. You should have a strong emotional posture, dedication to the product, service, company, and compensation plan. Building belief around these aspects is crucial, as not everyone needs to join or be a customer.

  1. Having an abundance mindset is essential, as there are millions of people who can benefit from network marketing.

  1. The goal should be education, not recruitment. The product should be the primary focus, but recent data shows that the number of people joining for the opportunity and staying for the product is about 50/50.

  1. Start conversations with 100 people, focusing on their life, family, work, fun, health, and dreams. Use third-party tools or online events to educate people about your company's growth and products. In the conversation, use phrases like "have you heard the news" to introduce your company and its products. This helps you transition the conversation into an educational based on their answer. The conversation can happen on the phone, text message, voice message. Text messages are preferred as they are less intimidating and allow people to think about the answer.

  1. Build rapport by telling stories and sharing stories about your life. When inviting someone to watch one of your utilized online tools, use a simple four-step process to get 80 to 90% of people to watch it. Compliment them about their mindset, vision, attitude, and adaptability.

By following these rules, potential prospects will feel more comfortable and confident in their decision to join their network marketing team.

In a conversation, ask four questions:

"Hey, there's an online video that explains this so perfectly."

The 15-minute video explains the product that has been successful for many people.

Use the phrase {if I share with you, would you…?}

The three steps to inviting people to watch their content:

  1. offer the link

  2. ask when they would view the content

  3. ask when they would start using the product

Use the "inner hurry" technique in conversation. Lightly mention that they are running out of time and need to talk to someone quickly. The speaker admires the success and support of someone who has been supportive and open-minded in business. They appreciate their instincts and trust their judgment, which can help them find opportunities and make better decisions. They suggest building an appointment to discuss their business ideas with someone who is open-minded and trusts their judgment.

There are two types of invitations; Direct and indirect

Direct approaches are used for people who know you and trust you. For example, if someone is sick of their job and wants to start a new business, they can use the direct approach to get the right feel and compliment. Indirect approaches are used for people who don't necessarily look up to you, but respect you. They can also be used to talk to sevens and eights, but they need to be more respectful and indirect. For instance, if you apply the direct approach with successful people, they may laugh at you. It can be used for successful people, seeking advice, wisdom, guidance

Utilizing Hot markets By “hot market”, I mean approximate family and friends. Focus on the 10 easiest customer prospects and 10 easiest distributor prospects. Asking people from your “hot market” for their support by offering a short-term customer for a month, allowing them to cancel if needed, is the simplest and most effective way of doing so. It is important to focus on those as they are willing to overcome self-limiting beliefs and are coachable, willing to work hard.

attract customers who will understand their product and continue using it.

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