Skill number four in network marketing involves follow-up, which covers these topics: getting people in conversations, keeping them in conversations, setting expectations, answering questions, and dealing with objections.

Follow-up with your prospects is key to overcoming objections and ensuring that people are ready to make the correct business decision. Most need time to get comfortable and ask for more information.

Most people face issues in their lives, like a bad job or mounting bills, but some are willing to fight through and find a solution. The old path may not be the best path for them, and it may take more exposure for someone to finally pull the trigger and start a business.

Follow-up is crucial in network marketing, especially when people are on the verge of making a decision. By understanding and addressing objections, individuals can overcome their fears and make the right decisions for their future.

For the prospect to make the right decision for them, follow-up should be tailored to the person's needs and goals. This can be done through product samples, over coffee conversations, explaining the compensation plan, company videos, clinical studies, and online/offline meetings. Conversation is key to business.

Exposure should be scheduled

Exposing the prospect (within healthy merit) should never stop until the customer decides to become a customer and/or join the business. You should use objections as a way to build a connection and a form of understanding. Start with exposure to the product and then move on to exposure to the customer experience. If the customer is unsure about a product, let them give it a shot and have them schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss their experience. If the product is sampleable, let them try it. If the product isn’t sampleable, provide information utilizing webinars, videos, etc.

Important questions you should be asking:

If I sent you a video, would you watch it?

If so, when are you planning to watch the video?

If I call you the day after watching the video, would you be willing to hop on a call with me?

If the provided exposure isn't enough to catch your prospect's attention, it's crucial to keep in touch. One of the main objections prospects face is the fear of limiting beliefs about network marketing or themselves. This fear can stem from various factors, such as not having an educational background, pressure from friends, or a negative perception of the industry. To overcome this fear, entrepreneurs should focus on keeping the conversation going and focusing on the product's benefits, market, and categories.

By focusing on the product's benefits, addressing the limiting beliefs about network marketing, and focusing on the conversation, you can overcome their fears and achieve success in their entrepreneurial journey.

Four steps to handling objections effectively

  1. Listen and ask questions for clarity. Act as a consultant. Listen to the point of the objection and ask questions to understand where it's coming from.

  2. Ask questions to understand the person's perspective and time constraints.

  3. Help your prospects understand the situation without fighting them.

  4. Make the prospect feel understood and related to

By following these steps, you can overcome your prospects' self-limiting beliefs and improve their chances of success in the industry.

Do your best to relate to others, especially those who may have found themselves in troubled waters. Emphasize the need to connect with people and empathize with them, even if it's not personal. Exchange stories.

Show prospects the importance of making changes and balancing time and resources to achieve a better future for themselves and their family. Anyone can achieve this by focusing on self-care and self-improvement. If something doesn't change shortly, it will become more difficult to maintain.

You don‘t have to sell anything. You can always do away with simply introducing prospects to the benefits of your product. If they’re interested, you can connect them with a representative from your company. Connect with people through products and opportunities.

Practice the four steps mentioned above and soon enough, you might start seeing an increase in confidence which naturally leads to better business results. Help people make the step in the right direction.

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